Why Getting The Right Rainwater Downpipe Is So Important

Downpipes can be seen on almost every building across Australia, and during summer is when they get their biggest workout. The rainy season is coming, and that means that many people who haven't yet repaired damage from winter or even last summer are starting to look into new systems. If you haven't yet upgraded your rainwater downpipes or aren't sure whether it is worth your time, then here are a few reasons why you should take an afternoon to investigate your gutter system and find out if you need to get it fixed before the rains come.

What Are The Signs Of Bad Downpipes?

Firstly, it is important to know what to look for when it comes to downpipes that aren't up to the standard you need. Always make sure to look at the anchor points for each downpipe to see if they are still firmly attached to the wall or coming loose. Any immediate sign of rust or corrosion should be noted as there is likely already quite a lot of tiny holes in those sections. Loose joints that you can hear shake and groan during the rain indicate poor aging and another weak point. Downpipes that take longer routes than they need to can also be causes for concern as they provide a higher risk of spillage. 

What Are The Problems With Bad Downpipes

Without adequate rainwater downpipes, water will behave in a number of destructive ways for your home. It can run down the front and sides of your home, which can cause the outer layer to age far quicker than it was designed to, exposing the more fragile layers below. It can also displace roofing material if it pools up in the gutters and overflows back onto the roof. It will eat away at flashing and corrode the roof cement that is used to hold together tiles and so on. When these problems happen, the next step is for water to leak into the underlayment and then the exposed structure beneath.

What Is The Solution?

If you notice any kind of holes or rust on your rainwater downpipes or can tell that they don't work properly during a rainstorm and start to overflow, then you need to upgrade them. You need a professional roofer to come and re-estimate the exact load of water that your roof gathers when it rains so that you have adequate downpipes in terms of size, length and storage (if you use rainwater tanks). This simple mathematical formula can be done quickly and they can provide the downpipes themselves to get started right away.
